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JO ELLEN STEVENS Jo Ellen Stevens is a prophetic speaker, author, worship leader, intercessor, She has ministered with her husband for 24years pastoring, teaching, and leading prophetic worship. She is a prophetic author for Spirit Fuel. She has taught many bible study groups and has led prophetic intercessory prayer groups. She operates in a prophetic anointing and in word of knowledge and word of wisdom. She believes that every believer should be hearing the Lord's voice and resounding His heart out of their intimate relationship with Him. She believes God called her many years ago to encourage the body of Christ to arise and shine with the glory of the Lord for such a time as this no matter what their age, background or social status! She also believes that God has given us each a platform to use the gifts and talents that He has given us to bring those who do not know the Lord out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God and that social media will play a great part in covering the earth with His glory! Jo Ellen is available to speak in churches and conferences. For more information, contact Jo Ellen Stevens

Friday, July 17, 2015



Your strength comes from Joy as we all know and understand from Nehemiah 8:10,but where does real joy come from? The Lord spoke to me this morning that much of our joy comes from our expectancy in believing that what He said will come to pass! I SAW SOMEONE VERY EXCITED IN THEIR SPIRIT BECAUSE THEY WERE TOLD THAT THEY WERE ABOUT TO RECEIVE AN INHERITANCE. This person knew that they would not have to struggle anymore just to do what it took to keep them alive! They had joy on their face and excitement emanating from their whole being! Life began to pulsate through their body and everyone that they talked to they would tell them that this was coming to them because they trusted the source that had promised that this was on the way! I then heard this scripture in my ear.

Romans 15:13 "May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope."

Romans 15:13 "May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope."


You see, your Joy comes from having hope that something that has not happened yet, something better, something bigger, is still coming to you! It is being assured that it is on it's way. It is SEEING it and knowing in your knower that it is coming to you, to the point that your whole being is electrified by even thinking about it! It is like a kid that has been promised by His mother or Father that tomorrow, when you wake up, we are going to go to Disney World! Now, I don't know about you, but if I had been told that as a child, I would not have been able to sleep or eat until I got there! The key here is that they trusted their Mother and Father's word to the point that they became joyful as they pictured Disney World and were meditating on what they were going to ride and what they were going to do when they got there, thus Joy gave the the strength to get up at 5am to get ready to do what they were imagining in their heart! (THE BIBLE CALLS THIS MEDITATING) Joshua 1:8.

Well in John 15 Jesus had just finished telling His disciples that the reason that they had been going through what they were going through was so that they could be ready to bring forth even greater fruit in their life. Then He said to them,"Now,whatever you ask in my Name, it will be given to you and then He said this "John 15:11 "These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full." Oh yes there were conditions like" if you abide in Me," but He had just told them that whatever you need for this task I will give it to you! This was like saying, "Now I am sending you on a glorious journey to work for me and you are not only going to be more fruitful this time, but here is the credit card to get everything you need for the journey, and I am telling you this so that your joy may be full!!!!" YOU SEE OUR HOPE COMES FROM BELIEVING WHAT JESUS SAID AND WITHOUT THIS HOPE WE HAVE NO JOY THUS NO STRENGTH TO RECEIVE."  


I hear the Lord saying "Many of you have been through great hardships in your last season for because of the promise that I gave you, then the "dream killers came" but, as you have been in the pruning process He has caused you to learn some valuable lessons that you are going to take into your new season! Things that you thought and things that you would of settled for in your time of transition have been blown away and NOW THE LORD IS GIVING YOU THIS PROMISE SO THAT YOU WILL HAVE GREAT JOY IN THE NEXT LEG OF YOUR JOURNEY AND THE PROMISE IS THIS......"ASK ME FOR WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO THIS AND I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU! TRUST ME LIKE A CHILD WITH HIS FATHER OR MOTHER, BE EXPECTANT, DREAM, YES DREAM BIG,STILL YET, DREAM EVEN BIGGER THAN THAT, LIKE A KID ON HIS WAY TO DISNEY WORLD, AND THEN REJOICE BECAUSE YOU SEE THAT THESE THINGS ARE ON THEIR WAY!" THIS KIND OF JOY AND PEACE IN BELIEVING WILL BE WHAT DRAWS OTHERS INTO YOUR VISION! DO NOT ALLOW THE DISCOURAGERS TO TALK YOU OUT OF WHAT I HAVE TOLD YOU FOR THEY ARE NOT SENT FROM ME! AND YOU SHALL SURELY BEAR FRUIT IN THIS SEASON AND YOU WILL SEE THE GLORY OF YOUR GOD!" Hallelujah!!! 

It is time to get excited and rest in His word but in resting, begin to show your joy in believing! this is what will change all that encounter the God that is inside of you! This joy will be contagious! This is what I love about God's encouragers. They are people who have your best interest at heart because they have been there and they know that God is true to His word. listen to them and keep speaking your dream to your brothers and sisters weather they hear or not! If they call you a dreamer like they did Joseph, so be it because you are on the way to the palace to work for the King and you have a credit card to get there!"

Arise Shine! Jo Ellen Stevens


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